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Air force in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+3Posted:2017-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hair follicleperforcelabour forcelabor forceairfareairfieldair filterair freightMeaning: n. 1. the airborne branch of a country's armed forces 2. the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space. 
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91. Chennault had become a major general by this time, and had his own independent military command, the Fourteenth Air Force.
92. He served as a captain in the Air Force, and is a certified public accountant.
93. The shuttle landed without a hitch at Edwards Air Force Base.
94. I wish to reiterate that the U. S. Air Force by no means did the air campaign job all by itself.
95. The advance has proved highly accurate in recognising continuously spoken airborne reconnaissance reports for the Royal Air Force.
96. The air force divides responsibility for spare parts among seven centres.
97. Then the Air Force could hardly acquiesce to an honorable discharge.
98. Then another car(, this time stopping so occupants could stare at the U. S. Air Force barracks.
99. In the meantime, the Air Force chief seems to be seething at civilian interference in a military matter.
100. He enlisted in the air force and eventually became a pilot.
101. An air force jet buzzed the compound to encourage him to step down.
102. He never met the young air force crew, never even saw them, yet he has never forgotten them either.
103. His opponent, on the other hand, can hop around the country on Air Force One, basking in presidential publicity.
104. The Air Force intends the F-22 stealth fighter to be the grimmest perdition to darken the skies since mythological times.
105. The Royal Air Force had bombed the centre of Hamburg with such intensity that raging fires started.
106. The Air Force has made its radar-evading B-2 stealth bombers even harder to find in the air.
107. But, as Air Force One took off for Washington,( force.html) the response of his official hosts was somewhat colder.
108. Of the 244 recruits, 151 joined the army, 76 entered the air force and 17 opted for the navy.
109. United States Air Force Risk Management Information System.
110. Jack was a grease monkey in Air Force.
111. And fuck the Air Force Academy.
112. The Royal Jordanian Air Force attacked Israeli airfields.
113. A member of the Iranian Air Force prays in Tehran.
114. His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.
115. It is to take off and land at Oklahoma's spaceport at the old site of the Clinton Sherman Air Force Base in Burns Flat.
116. The Air Force had intended to use a powerful laser, but such a system could also be used as a weapon, which would have raised concerns from other spacefaring nations, the blog said.
117. Pentagon spokesman said the interceptor was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and the fake long-range ballistic missile was sent from the Alaskan island of Kodiak .
118. The Air Force claims it wouldn't dole out these biosensors willy-nilly — only when troops are likely to run into dangerous biological or chemical warfare agents.
119. Mr. Obama will meet at the White House with the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- military leaders from the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines.
120. As soon as the war began, the Kwangsi air force was placed under the orders of the central government.
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